Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Taking the Tests

When I was younger, I thought I was apart from the world I know - that I am not this or that kind of person, or that I am only this and that kind of person. But life is also like a test, you wouldn't really know if you passed or failed if you haven't taken the test yet. So for example you've never been in the kind of shit another person is in, think twice before you say something bad about it (",) You just might be doing no better than he/she is if that were you. Because things are easier said than done. And also, having said that life is a test, you know what the good thing is? that what really matters is not if you failed or if you passed but what you learned from it.

I'm not trying to lecture anybody - sorry if I sound like it. I am definitely no master in life's many tests either. I just wanted to share this thought so
maybe we'd remember to always think twice before we judge not only people but the many complicated situations of life.
Because we have to admit it, each of us is a cast in the story called life, but each of us are also an audience to somebody else's life whether it be coincidental, momentarily or even accidental - it is inevitable that we'd have something to say about someone else and more often, a flaw is more easily acknowledged than beauty.

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